On October 19th, 2017 the Engineers Without Borders- FIU Chapter held a professional fundraising event at FIU’s Engineering Center. The main goal of the event was to raise funds for the chapter’s International Water Supply Project.
Engineers Without Borders USA (EWB-USA) is a national non-profit organization focused on empowering communities and ultimately building a better world through engineering projects. Its mission is to provide pathways for opportunities for struggling communities in order for them to sustainably meet their basic human needs and equip leaders to solve the world’s most pressing challenges. Florida International University’s EWB Student Chapter (EWB-FIU) was recently reopened in Fall 2016 and its team, lead by its president Melody Gonzalez, is heavily engaged in its newly adopted project in Jinotega, Nicaragua.
Amongst the guests were corporations such as Gannett Flemings, Stantec, CDM Smith, CH2M, Lanzo, Ghd, and others. Also attending the event, was the University’s Dean of the College of Engineering Dr. John L. Volakis, the Chair of the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department Dr. Azizinamini, the Associate Director of Student Access and Success Ms. Stephanie Strange and numerous members of FIU faculty and staff.
During this event the chapter presented and discussed its project, as well as ways to contribute and sponsor. The proceeds from this event will be used to finance EWB’s Project in El Chimborazo, Nicaragua. The project is located in the rural community of Jinotega, where the community lacks an adequate and clean source of drinking water. The residents of this community are developing water borne illnesses due to a lack of access to clean water. The members have difficulty seeking medical attention to treat these illnesses due to their remote location, lack of transportation, and the cost. Also, the nearby clinics often lack the medicine necessary to treat these illnesses.
The project is divided into various phases: Assessment, Implementation, and Monitoring and Evaluation. EWB FIU is planning their first assessment trip in order to collect data that will help design a water filtration system, as well as possible rain water catchment systems. The Chapter has a five-year commitment to the community in order to ensure the community’s needs are met, the project is completed properly, and the community can sustain the operation, maintenance, and cost of the project after the five years.
EWB would like to personally thank all of our guests for taking time off their busy schedule to attend the event; as well as all the volunteers that dedicated their time to help the event run smoothly.
For more information about the chapter and ways to help please go to ewb.fiu.edu
EWB FIU Chapter
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